Ev Pommer
Rebuilding and Enclosing
Angeregt von fünf Motiven des Projektes Personal views von Susanne Wehr entstand die Idee, die Bildräume umzubauen; sie zu öffnen und Geschichten weiter zu erzählen.
Licht Raum Leere Stimmen Abwesenheit
Ev Pommer, geb. 1968, Bildhauerin, lebt und arbeitet in Berlin
Being inspired by the project personal views of Susanne Wehr, five of its photos encouraged the artist to develop the idea of rebuilding and rearranging things, of opening space or enclosing objects. This way stories are unfolded and passed on.
light space emptiness voices absence
The sculptor Ev Pommer was born in 1968. She lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
Ev Pommer
Rebuilding and Enclosing
paper / cardboard
size 29 x 20 x 10 cm